The MANUAL section of the “Cross Cultural Toolbox” contains a complete guide to the integration of virtual reality in teaching intercultural and foreign languages.

The manual was born as a response to the integration difficulties of migrants who leave their countries of origin to start a new life: the integration process is complicated and as authors of the Viral project, we spent many hours talking about the challenges that arise both from the point of view of the residents of a place who welcome migrants, and from that of migrants who want to integrate into society.

Here are some excerpts from the manual:

“Education is the answer to address these problems. And modern VR technology has come to the rescue. Before we started writing scripts, making videos or creating classroom materials, we conducted a series of targeted studies, asked representatives of the migrant community, as well as educators, what real challenges they were facing and what skills and information they needed. “……

… ”The path to peace and understanding is important! Intercultural education is a challenge! “……

“It’s worth practising in the virtual world before tackling it in real life.”

“Intercultural education is a challenge, but it is ALWAYS worth taking it up! Especially if we live in small multicultural communities. Especially where the Others have suddenly appeared and the locals are surprised by their presence and their costumes. Why?

Because there is no other way than this meeting and conversation to build a future in which these small towns and villages can be a good place to live, study and work for all residents: old and new. “…

Soon the complete manual downloadable inside the “TOOLBOX”