From Thgursday 10 October at the “Adrio Puccini” library in Santa Croce sull’Arno (Pisa) Italy, a VR Test Point will be set up. Here anyone will be invited to experience virtual reality and leave a comment. The VR videos that will be presented are central part of the “VIRAL for local communities” project, an innovation project whose aim is the introduction of virtual reality in the educational and integration processes, and as a useful means to overcome difficulties of social and linguistic integration on the one hand and to overcome cultural barriers and prejudices on the other. The project, coordinated by NKey srl of Santa Croce sull’Arno, involves, in addition to Italy, Poland, Romania, Greece and sees the scientific collaboration of the University for Foreigners of Perugia and the University of Wroclaw.The event is part of the Erasmusday 2019 programming, three days of events organized throughout Europe to promote and raise awareness of the Erasmus + program.

VR test point

VR test point

VR test point