Settore: Istruzione e formazione
Contatti:Bianca Staicu
Indirizzo:Strada Lunga, Nr 49, 27

Founded in 2015 by persons with experience in human resources management and adult’s education field, Job in Sibiu
Association is a non-governmental, not-for-profit organisation aiming to promote, support, carry out and coordinate
professional activities, facilitating finding a job that contributes to the development of young people, graduates,
disadvantaged people and all social groups, from the point of view of economic, social, educational, cultural view.
The Job in Sibiu Association is the next stage of the Job in Sibiu group on Facebook, whose administrators volunteered
and offered support to those who asked for it in the field of jobs. The group is oriented towards finding and promoting jobs
in the Sibiu area. Also helps the employee to identify and take advantage of professional development. Also helps the
employee to identify and take advantage of professional development opportunities through vocational counseling,
professional tests.
Since its establishment Job in Sibiu Association has organized over100 workshops about how to get a job or fulfill your
dream job and personal development exercises, abilities discovery, job skills. Also did such workshops with students from
several high schools in Sibiu.
Job in Sibiu has a professional staff, with extensive experience and expertise in adult education, recruiment and
collaborating with psychologists with over 10 years of experience.
Not at least, Job in Sibiu Association has a particular focus on informal education for different categories of persons,
young, adults and seniors, but also for chlidren. We also organize charity campaigns with social causes associated (close)
with the educational environment that facilitate access to a form of education or professional development of young people
and people with few material resources or disabilities but who want to learn, improve or seek the dream job.
The association advises companies on job advertisements via Job in Sibiu group on facebook.

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