VR test point in Wroclaw, Poland.
The second VR test point has been organized by VIRAL Polish partner CEBS in Wroclaw, Poland. The VR test point is actually settled in the Center for Local Activity – Tarnogaj in Wrocław, Poland. For one month from Oct the 24th local activity groups can…
Read MoreAdult Learning Courses can be Improved with Virtual Reality
Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) could be the advancement the industry has been waiting for. The benefits of VR and AR for adult learning are revolutionary. The combination of experiential learning and accessibility make these emerging technologies serious contenders to shake up learning systems….
Read MoreERASMUSDAY 2019: VIRAL for Local Communities is there!
ERASMUSDAY2019: VR test point open day
Da giovedì 10 ottobre presso la biblioteca “Adrio Puccini” di Santa Croce sull’Arno (Pisa), verrà allestito un VR Test Point dove chiunque sarà invitato a sperimentare la realtà virtuale e a lasciare un commento. I video VR che saranno presentati sono parte centrale del progetto…
Read MoreLTT2 Santa Croce sull’Arno-San Miniato 23 settembre-02 ottobre 2019
Versailles comes to your home with virtual reality/ Versailles arriva a casa tua con la realtà virtuale
Versailles comes to your home with virtual reality Click, download and enter the Palace of Versailles sitting comfortably on the sofa of your home. Virtual reality is increasingly accessible to all, allowing those who for whatever reason cannot move from home (we think of the…
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