
Introduction to school environment
Language: Polish or Ukrainian
Participants: Ukrainian (or other nationalities) parents having children in Polish schools
Location: indoors; conference room equipped with chairs
Tools: whiteboard/ flipchart, projector and screen, VR glasses, markers, working sheets, ball for worm up activity, stick-it cards, working sheets, attachments
Duration: 2 hours – 2 hours and a half in case of sharing 4 VR glasses within group of 20-25
Video Title: “Introduction to school environment” video


Theoretical Framework:
short introduction to Polish school education system (presentation)

To familiarise with Polish school learning environment
To foster emotional security among foreign parents
Specific goals` taxonomy according to Bloom
A) Cognitive goals:
– to educate about Polish school environment from topographical and organisational perspective
– to educate about Polish learning facilities and their functions in school life
– to learn Polish learning facilities names
B) Emotional goals:
– to ensure emotional security in terms of leaving children in unknown space and environment
– to ensure emotional security in terms of moving around school building
– to feel welcome and integrate within parents community
C) Psychomotor goals:
– to prepare for fighting stereotypes of Polish school learning environment
– to develop readiness to participate in school life

Learning Outcome:

acquaintance with the physical environment of primary school in Poland

Methods Used:

discussion, VR movies

Trajectory of the teaching process


The following teaching session aims to introduce parents of foreign students with basic knowledge of Polish school environment. During the session we will be familiarising with different school spaces and places that create school environment and foster children`s learning outcomes. We are going to use VR movies – we welcome participants to immerse into Polish Primary School real environment and together with children discover school`s corners – both: those well-known and unknown.

Warm-up game: “Tell me the story of your name” game. The presenter holds the ball and tells the story of his name – for example, its meaning, who gave him his name or how much he like it. After the short story, he throws the ball to another participant asking the questions: What
is the story of your name? Participants throw the ball until everyone had the opportunity totell few words about his/her name.

Sum Up

Sum Up:

The presenter sums up what the group has discussed and learnt during the session. It is time for free questions, too. The presenter introduces the homework.

Homework task: Talk to your children about what have you learnt about the Polish school environment; share the positives views: what was interesting for you, what you liked the most. You can together work on “My dreamt classroom” painting/ collage and point out
what elements from the Polish classroom environment are recognisable in that picture.

Further reading
1. School welcome pack
2. Info on the children’s rights
